Alternative and complementary care

Learn more about our complementary veterinary care services below including:

Veterinary Herbal Medicine

Hippocrates, who is often referred to as the ‘Father of Modern Medicine’ based his philosophy on “vis medicatrix naturae” (the healing power of nature). Herbal therapy is using herbs for medical purposes,either on their own or in combination with other herbs to help enhance or improve the natural healing process within the body. 

Veterinary herbal medicine appears to be making a revival. Pet owners are looking for a more ‘natural’ approach to pet care, the environment is at the forefront of many peoples’ minds, general health and wellbeing is a big topic, and most importantly; the scientific community are looking to plants, once again. The use of alternative therapies like herbal medicine and acupuncture helps to compliment modern day conventional medicine. 


Acupuncture is considered to be one of the safest forms of medical treatment for animals and is well tolerated by most. Treatments are aimed at reducing pain, tension, inflammation, neuropathic pain and improving body balance, posture, comfort and demeanor.

Acupuncture has gained increasing recognition as a useful aide to modern medicine in animals. Defined by the insertion of needles into specific points on the body to produce a natural healing response, the needles are very fine and do not cause any pain or trauma. Each acupuncture point has specific actions when stimulated and each individual may need assessment for a tailored therapy. 

​Acupuncture involves stimulating one’s natural repair mechanisms within the body and helps boost a positive healing response in the nervous system, immune system, hormonal system and also the cellular system. Treatment should first follow an accurate diagnosis and appraisal of all treatment options. A detailed history is reviewed, the animal is examined, and treatment is tailored to each individual.  In many cases, acupuncture is best used in conjunction with conventional medicine, and in some conditions, it can be used as a sole treatment. 

​It helps minimise the requirements for medications (which may have undesirable side effects), and helps to improve quality of life in patients where medications for treatment of chronic pain are not an option due to disease in the liver or kidneys. Acupuncture is extremely safe when practised correctly and is well accepted by the majority of animals. Under UK law animal acupuncture may only be administered by appropriately qualified veterinary surgeons.

Treatments take about 20-30 minutes and the number and interval of follow-up treatments varies with each condition. Initially the loading treatment consists of once a week for 4 weeks and then wider intervals are common which is routinely advised on a monthly basis. Most animals accept acupuncture well, surprisingly including cats. ​

  • Veterinary Herbal Medicine 

  • Referral for alternative/complementary care 

  • Acupuncture 

Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy

Physical rehabilitation expedites return to normal function, pain relief and encouragement of optimal health for many patients suffering from conditions related to acute and chronic disease of orthopedic and neurological conditions. We believe that our care needs to go beyond a diagnosis to help support our clients and patients offering rehabilitation therapy amongst other therapies at Highland Health Veterinary Care. 

Our nurse lead rehabilitation and physiotherapy clinics help support our patients every step of the way.

Please contact us if you have any questions or book your appointment below.